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Title: Multiobjective Nonlinear Programming Problems Involving Second Order (b,F)-Type I Functions
Authors: Pandian, P
Natarajan, G
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Science;Vol 13 [2009]
Abstract: A new class of functions namely, second order (b,F) -type I functions which is the generalization of type I, F-type I and b-type I functions, is introduced. Sufficient optimality conditions for proper efficiency and second order mixed type duality theorems for multiobjective nonlinear programming problems are established under the assumptions of second order (b,F) -type I functions.
Description: 135-147
ISSN: 0972-8791 (Print)
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.13 [2009]

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