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Title: Study of Milling Machines Using RULA
Authors: Bhattacharya, Amrita
Kashif, Md
Banerjee, Debamalya
Keywords: RULA
Milling Machine
Lab Assistants
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal
Series/Report no.: HWWE;2013
Abstract: In laboratories and workshops, milling machine is one of the most important common machines to use. Students and lab assistants of Jadavpur University spend a great deal of time working on milling machine. The design of a machine is proved to be successful only when it is ergonomic. Thus the analysis on the correct posture of work becomes important. Undergraduate students of Production engineering and Lab assistants were subjected to Rapid Upper Limb Assessment(RULA) while working on milling machine to test if the design of the machine is ergonomic or not. The assessment concludes that posture while working on milling machine is not ergonomic. Thus the necessity to make it ergonomic increases. A few remedies have been suggested here after a detailed study of the work. Application of these remedies will reduce the risk of working on a milling machine in a workstation to a certain extent.
Description: Design Ergonomics
ISBN: 9789351749059
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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