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Title: The Influence of Load Carrying Modes on Gait variables of Healthy Indian Women
Authors: Guha Thakurta, A
Iqbal, R
De, A
Keywords: Load carriage
Gate pattern
Stride length
Double limb support
Walking speed
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal
Series/Report no.: HWWE;2013
Abstract: Many studies have been carried out worldwide on various load carriage and gait pattern of healthy men, but similar studies on healthy women are scanty. Especially there is no such reference in Indian literature. Women were found to have higher incidence of musculoskeletal injuries when carrying a heavy load during daily activities. The objective of this study was to examine the changes in gait patterns of healthy Indian women with different mode of load carriage. Nine healthy university female students without existing orthopaedic problems were selected for this study. Thirty six reflective markers were placed on the volunteer’s lower limb. Six infrared cameras were used to film the volunteers walking along a 5 meter walkway. Each volunteer was asked to walk at her self-selected speed without any load to establish a baseline and then, in random order, they were asked to walk with a 10-Kg. load on the head, hand, and diagonally across one shoulder. The gate pattern was studied using the Qualysis Motion Capture System (Gothenburg, Sweden). The age, height and weight of the volunteers were 22.3±1.64 yrs, 157.5±7.42 cm and 58.5±8.6 kg respectively. It was observed that the stride length was maximum during free walking (1.3m) and minimum while carrying load (1.1m) on head. Double limb support used throughout the walk way was maximum while carrying shoulder load (12 times) and was minimum during free walking (4 times).Cycle time and double limb support time were almost same in each case except during free walking where both were found to be less compared to load conditions. Walking speed was found to be decreased while walking with head load (1.1m/s).
Description: Women at Work
ISBN: 9789351749059
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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