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Title: Ergonomic Risks in Polyhouse Farming
Authors: Dahiya, Promila
Singh, Kiran
Mehta, Manju
Sharma, D K
Keywords: Polyhouse
Unfavorable climate
Walk-in-tunnel and psychological aspect
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal
Series/Report no.: HWWE;2013
Abstract: Polyhouses are structures utilized as microclimate environment to make the plants grow well in unfavorable climate. In polyhouse, farming is done in vertical form rather than horizontal form, so the workers had to stretch their body in tying, pruning, harvesting. Polyhouses are essentially microcosms aimed at providing physical environment suitable for the survival and growth of plants with high degree of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide. Working at unsuitable temperature combined with stress to the body from heavy physical activity, and exposure to chemicals can be very dangerous to man's health. So present study was conducted to find out effect of unsuitable working environment and posture on workers health. In study it was found that in walk-in-tunnel (WIT) and natural ventilated polyhouses (NVPH) the temperature was 69.54% and 52.29% higher and the humidity was 96.37% and 85.19 % higher in comparison to open farming in the months of January and May. No significant different was found in temperature, humidity, dust, solar radiation and CO2 level between open and anti insect net shade house (AINH). In Hi-tech polyhouse, the environment was totally controlled by computer and was not found to much strenuous. The CO2 level in WIT was found to be 359.82% and 332.95 % higher in comparison to open farming. According to mental workload scale the working condition in WIT and NVPH was found 'risky' the score of 51.17% and 47.6%. The posture analysis of 8 activities was done by REBA score sheet and bed washing and tying work were at high risk level with score 12 and 11 and required necessary action. In case of occupational health hazards both biological and psychological aspects were found more risky with mean value 3.22 and 2.86. Health status of workers was checked by doctor, and it was found that in polyhouse farming workers were more prone to problems of allergy and asthma.
Description: Ergonomics and Rural Development
ISBN: 9789351749059
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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