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Title: A Study on Diffusion Loss Mechanism for Plasma Particles (Electrons) at Breakdown Threshold Voltage Developed within Different Toroidal Chambers in Presence of Magnetic Field with Nitrogen
Authors: Das, C
Hui, A K
Jana, D C
Keywords: Diffusion loss
threshold breakdown
aspect ratio
minor radius
toroidal magnetic field
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Science;Vol 14 [2010]
Abstract: Diffusion loss phenomenon of plasma particles on breakdown threshold voltage of a toroidal discharge has been studied using H type solenoidal coil excited by a 13.56 MHZ radio frequency power source with different pressures, toroidal magnetic fields and aspect ratios for nitrogen. In this paper we have discussed that the threshold breakdown voltage controlled by diffusion phenomenon on filling pressures, toroidal magnetic fields and minor radius of the designed models[1]. The detailed experimental setup is also presented
Description: 255-260
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.14 [2010]

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