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Title: Progress of SHG Bank Linkage Programme in Assam: An Analytical Study
Authors: Ahmed, Julkarnain
Maity, Shrabanti
Roy, Manash
Keywords: Microfinace
SHG- Bank Linkage Progrmme
Financial Sustainability
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics;Vol 22 [2017-18]
Abstract: The Self Help Group Bank Linkage Progrmme (SBLP) has emerged as the largest microfinance programme in the world. SHG-Bank linkage has been considered one of the important instruments to uplift the marginalized section of people who have been living below poverty line. In view of the growing importance of SBLP as a tool of poverty reduction, the present study intends to shade light on the issues of outreach, sustainability, efficiency and fund disbursement of SHG bank linkage programme in Assam based on the available relevant secondary data. The results of the study show that the operation and popularity of SHG- Bank linkage programme has been predominant in certain districts of Assam and thus indicating spatial preferences. From the study it is observed that SHG- Bank Linkage Programme has made tremendous strides in Assam over the past few years and have taken many praise worthy initiatives to walk more with the poor and needy classes.
ISSN: 09758003
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics Vol. XXII [2017-18]

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