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Title: Landscape Ecological Studies of Digha-Sankarpur Coastal Tract, West Bengal, India with Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
Authors: Kamila, Amrit
Paul, Ashis
Bandyopadhyay, Jatisankar
Keywords: Chronological Sequence
Shannon Weiner Diversity Index
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
Land Valuation and Environmental Zoning Approach
Issue Date: 9-Jan-2020
Publisher: Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Abstract: Environments and the natural multiplicity restricted inside them afford a brook of goods and services, the sustained deliverance of which remnants fundamental to community economic richness and further aspects of the social well being. Ecological goods pass on to the innate yield produced or employed by human beings. Significantly, floral and faunal services prop up life by regulating indispensable procedures for instance refinement of air and water, pollination of yields, nutrient cycling, putrefaction of squanders, and creation or rejuvenation of soils, as well as by restraining ecological circumstances by soothing climate, dropping the jeopardy of extreme events, extenuating droughts and floods, and defending soils from erosion. The benefits of these services noticeable themselves at local, regional and global scales with frequently conflicting demands between stakeholders at these diverse stages. One of the main enveloping contacts of existing worldwide transform is the hurried refuse in species and habitat multiplicity and its substitute with organically inferior and more homogenous human conquered setting of topographic units. The beating of species is a most extensively documented effect of such alteration, and as biodiversity underpins individual life sustain scheme, its loss involves important consequences for civilization. The consequences of ecological dilapidation are practiced more rigorously in developing countries, the residence of the enormous preponderance of the world’s innate resources and to the worlds deprived, who are greatly dependent on usual resources for maintaining their existing and proceeds. Driving forces for the waking of ecological dilapidations is numerous and interconnected. Community has for centuries in use for approved the services afforded by usual arrangement to some extent for the reason that they are not properly done business and are consequently disconnected from charging that imitates and advise of transforms in provide or require circumstances. Presently as markets not succeed to indicate ecological dilapidation, economic strategies commonly afford stubborn inducements that persuade it. Deficiency of evidently defined and protected property rights, lack of logical environmental policy purposes, meager enforcement of accessible guideline, dishonesty, lack of political determination and lack of institutional capability are instances of deteriorating supremacy that also guides to ecosystem dilapidation. As well as, the study has an inadequate capability to cope with the potentially disastrous consequences of environment deprivation which is aggravates by the lack of sufficient information and acquaintance concerning ecological roles and the profits they produce for civilization. The foremost purpose of this present study is to display the existing confirmation base for the benefits of environmental goods and services. To accomplish this goal, focus has been on those goods and services in relation to which there is no readily accessible information from markets. The thesis also presents a structure which associates environment to their goods and services and consequential benefits to human community. This structure can facilitate enhanced decision-making for environmental use, by signifying the full financial costs contained in trade-offs between progressions and conservation of environment. Improved information on its own determination not conveys concerning sustainable use of landscape ecology, attainable merely if this sequence is then utilized to address the drivers of environmental deprivation. This thesis and associated annexes are only capable to contact upon these procedures, which are the main theme of this entire study.
Appears in Collections:RS & GIS - Ph.D

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