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Title: Analysis of Posture of Rickshaw Pullers Using REBA and Suggestion for Change in Design
Authors: Nandi, Suman
Bhattacharyya, Orchi
Banerjee, Debamalya
Keywords: Rickshaw
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Department of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal
Series/Report no.: HWWE;2015
Abstract: Rickshaw is a very common, effective and easily available method of transport. The rickshaw pullers carry a load of 50-70 kilograms on average. This study specifically aimed to [1] Assess the posture of rickshaw pullers while at work; [2] Analyze their working conditions; [3] Determine possible existence of hazards in the workplace; [4] Possible changes in the design of rickshaw to make it more ergonomic 2 rickshaw pullers from Jadavpur Station Road in Kolkata participated in this study. The pictures of those rickshaw pullers were taken during their work time. Rapid entire body assessment (REBA) was carried out to assess musculoskeletal loads on rickshaw pullers, due to their postures, repetition, and force. The amount of back strains, shoulder strains, work related MSD (Musculoskeletal Disorder) risk was found to be very high and demands changes in the structure of rickshaw. REBA score was calculated and was found to be 9 (8-11: high).So it indicated high risk of suffering from injuries. REBA tool is a useful and an applicable tool for assessing risk factors producing entire body disorder in rickshaw pullers. So this research is pertinent in providing awareness and this may serve as a basis of recommendation to improve the design of rickshaws.
Description: Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorder
ISBN: 9789351749059
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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