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Title: Charting the Terrain of Early Nationalism: Maldah 1905-1916
Authors: Sarkar, Ashim Kumar
Keywords: Maldah
Sannyasi and Fakir Rebellion
Wahabi Movement
Maldah Jatiya Siksha Samiti
Revolutionary Terrorism.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Vidyasagar University Journal of History;2013-2014
Abstract: The paper discusses the genesis of nationalism in Maldah in the late nineteenth and the first two decades of the twentieth century. The focal points of discussion are the emergence of a new intelligentsia as the opinion makers of society who became the chief vehicle for spreading nationalist consciousness in the district. It was due to their efforts the stage was set for further and steady growth of national consciousness in a mufassil district. The paper also discusses how this incipient growth of national awakening was given a flip by the Swadeshi Movement that followed Curzon's infamous decision of partition of Bengal in 1905. The paper analyses the pivotal role played by the Maldah Jatiya Siksha Samiti in spreading 'national' education and national consciousness among a large number of student of Maldah, many of whom in later years turned out as prominent persons in political, social and cultural arena of the district. Further, it also indicates the limitations of the first phase of nationalist activities in Maldah. The paper also discusses the terrorist activities in Maldah under the banner of the Anushilan Samiti and Brati Samiti. It has been argued that in spite of its failure, the terrorist activities contributed to raise the level of political consciousness in Maldah.
Description: 137-158
ISSN: 2321-0834
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of History Vol 1 [2012-2013]

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