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Authors: Roy, Chinmoy
Bhattacharya, Basudeb
Keywords: Differential Training and Participation
Managerial Competency
Interaction Effects
Income and Savings
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce;2016
Abstract: The different facet and dimension of participation and training in patterning the performance effectiveness among SHGs poses serious managerial challenge because both these factors with differential sequence have reciprocal iterative linkage with the performance result. To find the pattern of competency and its interrelation with structured differences in training and participation we explore the impact of widespread training provided by the SHGs program and the level of participation by the SHG which indirectly influence on its savings behavior and earnings. To assess the main and overall interaction effects of training and participation, along with a priori power analysis, factorial design is used and the findings supported the threshold probability of correctly accepting the proposition that there are significant differences in average savings to total income retention across levels of training status and participation. The concluding outcomes transparently revealed that the higher training level both basic skill and record keeping and managerial competency increased significantly to contribute to the rate of savings to total income of the SHGs when compared to the initial training, based only on basic skill and record keeping. Since the significant interaction effect showed differences in performance increase in savings and total income, a simple effect analysis shows the differences is important for both the forward-looking differential training and participation.
Description: 132-141
ISSN: 0973-5917
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce Vol.21 [2016]

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