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dc.contributor.authorMallick, Aswini Kumar
dc.description.abstractA simple technique is presented to determine splice losses between two identical arbitrarily graded index single mode fibers for transverse and angular misalignments. The power transmission coefficients at the splice are calculated in terms of spot size using Marcuse formulation for graded index fibers. Our values of splice losses match excellently with the exact one and also other results available in literature. The technique should attract attention of experimentalist as a simple alternative of rigorous methods to estimate propagation characteristicsen_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , Indiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Physical Science;18
dc.subjectSingle mode fiberen_US
dc.subjectSpot sizeen_US
dc.subjectSplice lossen_US
dc.titleSimple Determination of Splice Loss in Single Mode Graded Index Fibers Using Gaussian Spot Size of Marcuse Formulationen_US
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.18 [2014] - [Special Issue : Communication, Device, Information and Intelligence Systems]

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