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Title: Synthesis of Hydroxyethyl Starch-g-Polyacrylamide (HES-g-PAM) and its Application in Removal of Heavy Metal Ions
Authors: De, B R
Kolya, H
Tripathy, T
Keywords: Hydroxyethyl starch
Graft Copolymer
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Science;Vol 14 [2010]
Abstract: Hydroxyethyl starch-g-polyacrylamide (HES-g-PAM) was synthesized by ceric ion induced solution polymerization technique. The graft copolymer was characterized by IR-spectroscopy and intrinsic viscosity measurement. The copolymer was used in removal of heavy metal ions from their solutions. The effect of treatment time on the metal ion absorption was studied. The result shows that metal ion removal capacity of the graft copolymer (mmole/g of the graft copolymer) follows the order Cu+2 > Fe+2 > Ni+2.
Description: 199-205
ISSN: 0972-8791 (Print)
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.14 [2010]

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