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Title: Chinese Way of Nation Building: Re Interpreting the Early Maoist Era
Authors: Mishra, Keshav
Keywords: Mao Ze Dong
Struggle against Imperialism
Rise of Nationalism
Political Culture
Chinese Communist Party
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Registrar,Vidyasagar University,Midnapore,West Bengal,India,721102
Series/Report no.: Volume VII;
Abstract: Like all social political phenomenon, nationalism is a concrete historical category. The integration of communities into nations was a direct outcome of a prolonged historical process and at a distinct stage of social, political and economic development, nations came into being. This excitement took place in the context of a world which had just seen the brief success of many ideological movements as Nazism, and Fascism and which was not confronting the spread of communism. The problems of political development clearly called for interdisciplinary research. Anthropological studies of African & Asian cultures appeared to offer rich material for understanding the processes associated with nation building.
Description: PP 44-52
ISSN: 2321-0834
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of History Vol 7 [2018-2019]

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