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Title: Stepping Towards Progress: The Progressive Writers’ Movement in Late Colonial India
Authors: Mukherjee, Partha
Keywords: Progressive Writers
Sajjad Zaheer
Marxist Cultural Movement
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Registrar,Vidyasagar University,Midnapore,West Bengal,India,721102
Series/Report no.: Volume VII;
Abstract: The emergence of the Progressive Writers’ Movement brought about a qualitative transformation in the literary sphere of India in the 1930s. Having been a part of a society full of exploitation due to the poignant impact of colonialism, feudalism as well as imperialism, they refused to be neutral and raised their voices in the support of the downtrodden common people. Profoundly influenced by the Marxist ideology, they made the ‘have-nots’ the central figures of their stories, plays and poems. Extremely critical of the escapist nature of the traditional literature, they made the contemporary socio-political realities the principal themes of their literary endeavours.
Description: PP 85-100
ISSN: 2321-0834
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of History Vol 7 [2018-2019]

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