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Title: Ethics of Debate: An Indian Perspective
Authors: Ghosh, Raghunath
Keywords: Vāda
Issue Date: Mar-2021
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Philosophy and the Life-world;Vol 23[2020-2021];
Abstract: Indian Philosophers have undertaken some methods of argumentation regarding the determination of the truth of an object. These methods are neither biased nor dogmatic, but based on some ethical values. In Nyāya the right cognition of categories leads us to the attainment of the mundane and transcendental values which are called dṛṣṭa (seen) and adṛṣṭa (unseen) well-being (niḥśreyasa). The ethics of propagating such view lies in the fact that the right cognition of the categories can associate us with mundane well-being which has got some pragmatic value in our life.Truly speaking in philosophy no standpoint is to be taken as final and hence all positions are ad hoc. The Indian term for Philosophy is darśana (literally seeing) which actually means ‘critical subsequent seeing’ (anvīkṣā). It is the ethics of Philosophy that nothing can be taken in blind faith, but it should be judged through critical eye. To follow something without proper reflection gives us a training to follow blindly what our tradition says and hence there is no fresh air to receive a new thing or idea.Tarka is a judicious or ethical method to refute opponent’s position. At the same time scepticism is in the root of morality of argumentation.
ISSN: 09758461
Appears in Collections:Philosophy and the Life-world Vol 23 [2020-2021]

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