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dc.contributor.advisorBarua, Sujit Kumaren_US
dc.contributor.authorArora, Harsh-
dc.description.abstractAdvertisement is a multibillion dollar industry in the world. Sponsors or advertisers advertise using different media like print, audio-visual and outdoor-overhead in addition to the latest digital media. The main purpose of advertisements is to communicate with the audience with definite objective. The objectives could be awareness, persuasion and/or reminder or reinforcement, depending upon the state of the product on its life cycle or the market where the audience have to be communicated. In doing so, sponsors or advertisers, use different mediums like newspapers, magazines, radio, bill boards, hoardings, television etc. With the advent of technology and emergence of internet in the society, across countries, mediums of advertisements have increased. From past to present advertisers are trying to reach out to maximum numbers of people using all sorts of mediums in passing their messages. In doing so the advertisers expect that advertisements will fulfill their expectations. Expectations of advertisers in terms of attention, reminder and/or action resulting into sale of goods and/or services being advertised depends upon the effectiveness of the advertisement. Even before advertisement was defined theoretically, it was applied. Many archeologists have found the traces of advertisements in the ruins of Egypt and other parts of the world. However, since advertisement is researched by the researchers in the area of marketing, advertisement and psychology, many factors have been explored and tested which were found relevant for the effectiveness of the advertisements. Here effectiveness means that the advertisement has been able to catch the attention of its audience and its positioning was proper which enabled the brand/product to get top of the mind awareness of the audience. Again, for an advertisement being effective, the advertiser expect increase in sale of the brand/product being advertised. There are many advertising agencies which acts as mediators between advertisers and mediums. All together works towards understanding the factors which influence the audience to watch the advertisements. However, the factors kept changing with the change in the behavior, location, products, mediums and other influencing parameters. In addition, there are certain stimuli which develop perception of the audience resulting into the interest of the audience in selecting a particular advertisement on a particular medium to watch and behave or take an action accordingly. Therefore, irrespective of the mediums and/or content of the advertisements, it is of utmost important for the advertisers to understand the factors developing the individual perceptions. Again among different mediums available with the audience, television being one of the traditional mediums, advertisers are concerned with the money they are spending on television advertisements and its effectiveness as a medium among all traditional and modern mediums. The advertisers are spending huge amount of money over different mediums, thus they expect considerable return on their investment. However, researchers have clarified in many of their researches that in the present day scenario, most of the audience do not watch advertisements and always try to avoid advertisements. They overlook print mediums, switch channels for audio visual mediums and avoid outdoor-overhead advertisements. It result into losses for the advertisers. Due to this there was a need to conduct research to explore the perception of the audience in selecting a commercial advertisements on television. To start with audience in and around Kolkata, West Bengal, India was considered. After administering structured questionnaire information was collected and information from 500 audience was tabulated and interpreted. The audience which was considered for collecting information was located in and around Kolkata. On the data collected, factor analysis was conducted and five factors were considered for further analysis. The five factors which were derived after factor analysis were knowledge, nature, content, peer influence and duration. These five factors were considered as independent variable with liking or disliking of advertisement was considered as dependent variable to run logistics regression analysis. There were three logistics regression analysis was conducted. In the first logistics regression analysis on the total tabulated data, it was found that except content all other factors are significant for the liking or disliking of the advertisement. However in the 2 logistics regression analysis which was conducted for data of products which were considered as product of low involvement and product of high involvement respectively, content and other all other factors were significant. The conclusion was drawn out of the analysis that the five factors which were derived from the factor analysis are significant and advertisers should produce the advertisements based on the factors separately for low involvement and high involvement products.en_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India,en_US
dc.subjectCommercial Advertisements - Televisionen_US
dc.subjectIndividual Perceptionen_US
dc.subjectConsumer Productsen_US
dc.titleRole of individual perception in selection of commercial advertisements on national level television channels with special reference to consumers of selected products in and around Kolkataen_US
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Ph.D.

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