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dc.contributor.authorGanguly, Chandrima-
dc.description.abstractThe organized manufacturing sector in India has undergone structural shift of economic activities during the process of economic growthin terms of the pattern of employment and distribution of workforce across sectors, regions and industries in the period of economic reforms and trade liberalization.This paper purports to study the nature and trend in the growth of workforce and changes in occupational structure of the organizedmanufacturing sector of the economy in terms of various dimensions like rural urban distribution, sectors and product groups, gender dimension and sex composition during the period from 2000-01 to 2015-16 based on data from Annual Survey Reports of industries and labour bureau reports. More specifically this paper examines the changing scenario of employmentof labour and the extent of variation in the incidence and annual growth rate of the employment with special reference to the rural- urban division, direct and contract work participation and male- female ratio in work participation in the organised manufacturing sector at the national level, industry level and region/state level during 2000-01 to 2015-16.en_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , Indiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVidyasagar University Journal of Economics;Vol 22 [2017-18]-
dc.subjectemployment growth rateen_US
dc.subjectmale-female ratioen_US
dc.subjectworkforce participationen_US
dc.subjectindustry-wise distributionen_US
dc.subjectstates and regionsen_US
dc.titleTrends and the Changes in the Nature of Employment Structure in Organized Manufacturing Sector of India with respect to Total Employment, Gender and Casualization of Workers During 2000-2016en_US
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics Vol. XXII [2017-18]

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