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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-11-16DC resolution (Chemistry) dated 16.11.2022University, Vidyasagar
2022-09-27DC resolution (Chemistry) dated 27.09. 2022University, Vidyasagar
2021-01-13Minutes of D.C. Meeting (Business Administration) held on 13.01.2021University, Vidyasagar
2020-12-04Minutes of D.C. Meeting (Business Administration) held on 04.12.2020University, Vidyasagar
2017-02-09Nineteenth Convocation [2017]Chakrabarti, Ranjan; University, Vidyasagar
2022-04-04Resolution and ATR of the IQAC committee meeting dated 04.03.2022University, Vidyasagar
2023-06-07Resolution and ATR of the IQAC committee meeting dated 07.06.2023University, Vidyasagar
2023-04-13Resolution and ATR of the IQAC committee meeting dated 13.04.2023University, Vidyasagar
2021-08-23Resolution and ATR of the IQAC committee meeting dated 23.08.2021University, Vidyasagar
2021-12-28Resolution and ATR of the IQAC committee meeting dated 28.12.2021University, Vidyasagar
5-05-20Resolution and ATR of the IQAC committee meeting 02.05.2020University, Vidyasagar
2022-04-01Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 01/04/2022University, Vidyasagar
2023-01-02Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 02/01/2023University, Vidyasagar
2022-12-05Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 05/12/2022University, Vidyasagar
2020-02-07Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 07/02/2020University, Vidyasagar
2023-02-08Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 08/02/2023University, Vidyasagar
2023-01-10Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 10/01/2023University, Vidyasagar
2021-12-10Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 10/12/2021University, Vidyasagar
2022-11-11Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 11/11/2022University, Vidyasagar
2022-05-13Resolution of the Departmental Committee Meeting(Computer Science) held on 13/05/2022University, Vidyasagar