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Title: Stochastic Transportation Problem with Cauchy Random Variables and Multi Choice Parameters
Authors: Biswal, M P
Samal, H K
Keywords: transportation problem
multi-objective decision making
stochastic programming
cauchy distribution
goal programming technique
interpolating polynomial
multi-choice programming
Issue Date: 26-Dec-2013
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Science;17
Abstract: In this paper, single objective and multi-objective stochastic transportation problem with Cauchy random variables and their deterministic equivalents are presented. Multi-choice programming solves some optimization problems, where multiple information exists for a parameter. A stochastic transportation problem in which the source parameters are either Cauchy random variables or multi-choice type and the demand parameters are either multi-choice type or Cauchy random variables is presented in this paper. The proposed stochastic transportation problem is converted to an equivalent deterministic problem and solved by goal programming method. A Numerical example is presented to illustrate the solution procedure.
ISSN: 0972-8791
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.17 [2013]

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