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dc.contributor.authorPradhan, S S
dc.contributor.authorJana, D C
dc.identifier.issn0972-8791 (Print)
dc.description.abstractIn Subnormal Glow region current-voltage characteristic has a negative slope which is also pressure dependent. The voltage decreases exponentially with the discharge current. This characteristic property has been studied [1]. Our aim of the present work is to specify this Subnormal Glow region by an analytical expression and to extend it in presence of transverse magnetic field. Therefore the current- voltage characteristics have been studied in air and an analytical expression have been introduced which includes a dimensional constant, mp . The mp - values have been determined in presence of transverse magnetic field ( H) : 0 , 20 , 40 and 60 Gauss for the constant pressures 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 and 0.6 Torr. From our study it is established that the analytical expression is applicable in presence of transverse magnetic field.en_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , Indiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Physical Science;Vol 14 [2010]
dc.subjectSubnormal glowen_US
dc.subjectanalytical expressionen_US
dc.subjectdimensional constanten_US
dc.titleStudy the Characteristics of Subnormal Glow Discharge in Presence of Transverse Magnetic Field in Airen_US
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.14 [2010]

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