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Title: Importance of Sohray song in Panchet hill and Panchet dem
Authors: Hembram, Droupadi
Keywords: Panchet hill
Panchet dem
Sohray festival
Sohray songs
Issue Date: Jan-2023
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume-1;
Abstract: ‘Panchet’ is not only referred to a hill or a dam but also it is known as a free and separate district. Panchakot province was converted to Panchet district on 19th January in 1773. Raghunathpur was assigned as the head office of Panchet. Mr. S.G. Halli was appointed as the first collector of Panchet. There lived Santal tribe before the formation of Panchet district. The name of Sikkar Disom (Sikkar province) is found in the old story of Santhals. This Panchet province is referred to as Sikkar Disom. Santal tribe migrated to Santhal pargana from this province. They have great history as other nations but it was not described in any book. It is only found in the folk song of local tribes. This history is found in Sohray, Dong and Lagre (Santali folk songs). The history of Santhal is described in the Sohray (a kind of Santhali song) than Lagre and Dong (another kind of Santhali song).
Description: PP:6-12
Appears in Collections:Journal of Santali, Vol - 1

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