Vidyasagar University Journal of History Vol X (2021-2022) : [17] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025-01-29Growth of Fishing as vocation of the local people of coastal region of Midnapore districtOjha, Mr. Lakshman Chandra
2025-01-29Diseases and Treatments: A Reflection from Medieval AssamBegum, Arifa; Parwez, Mohd
2025-01-29Representation of ‘Tribe’ and ‘Tribal Place’ in Sanskrit Literature, Adivasi Oral Tradition and Colonial Ethnographic AccountsMahato, Nirmal Kumar
2025-01-29Network of Exchange and Intermediary of South West Bengal in the late Eighteenth CenturyAli, Quazi Aktar
2025-01-29Disaster, Vulnerability & the Colonial Midnapore: An Environmental History of the 1867 CycloneDe, Shyamapasad
2025-01-29Perception of History in Popular Practices: A very short note on the Powadas of Shivaji PeriodKumar, Dr. Amarendra
2025-01-29Revisiting Bagha Jatin: The Unsung Champion of Revolutionary Maneuvers in Colonial BengalChatterjee, Amitava
2025-01-29দেশভাগ, রাজৈনিতক হিংসা ও মহিলাদের মনস্তত্বের উপর তার প্রভাব (১৯৪৬–৫২)সিন্হা, অভিরূপ
2025-01-29Mass Consumption, Visual Merchandizing, and Konkani Language Emergence of a Consumerist Goan: Review of the Goan periodical Amchó Gão (1929-33)Fernandes, Evereth; Dias, Remy
2025-01-29A Historical Analysis of Organized LGBT Movement in Post-Independent IndiaChakrabarty, Dr. Rajarshi
2025-01-29Widowhood in Nineteenth Century Bengal: A Review of its Agony and RedressalChowdhury, Chanchal
2025-01-29Archives and Records: An OverviewBhattacharya, Dr. Sutapa
2025-01-29Bell-Metal Gongs of the Chin-Kuki-Mizo: Trade, Orality and ManufactureGuite, Zamkhan Khual; Sailo, Lalngurliana
2025-01-29The Role of The Khan Family of Narajole in Spreading Cultural Consciousness and Social Service in Medinipur, 1870-1920Pal, Mousumi
2025-01-29The Muslim Society of Bengal: Reflections in the Writings of Begum RokeyaKerim, Saikh Ahasan
2025-01-29The development of Asansol as a municipal city with Anglo-Indian touch: A historical analysis (1863-1896)Ghosh, Subhasis
2025-01-29Suchitra Mitra as Cultural Activist: A Redefined Artistic IdentityNandi, Sohini
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17