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Title: The potential of domestication through human controlled culture of some plants’ species from wild habitats of the state of Sikkim, India
Authors: Pradhan, Durga Kumar
Keywords: Cultivar
Domesticated crops
Sikkim Himalaya
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume 26;
Abstract: The plant species, growing in the cultivated land of Sikkim Himalaya, are enumerated to document the recent trend of domestication. This information can be utilized for the economic development of communities of Sikkim Himalaya relating to organic production. This paper presented the notes on altitudinal ranges, flowering and fruiting period, local names etc. of domesticated plant species, which are growing as crops.
Description: PP:34-47
ISSN: 0972-8503
Appears in Collections:Indian Journal of Biological Sciences - Vol 26

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