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Title: Lessons for Women Group Enterprises Management from One Tambon One Product Rural Development Programme in Thailand
Authors: Acharya, Jyotirmayee
Keywords: Rural economic management
OTOP policy Thailand
A feminist institutional framework
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2020
Publisher: Registrar, Vidyasagar University on behalf of Vidyasagar University Publication Division, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102
Series/Report no.: Volume XXIV;
Abstract: An examination of the literature on One Tambon One Product rural economic management programme performances of Thailand shows the unequal impact between men and women with women group-based enterprises bears the major brunt. In the wake of OTOP neo-liberalist policy break-through of Thai government rural economic restructuring was instrumental for revitalising livelihood diversities and reinforcing community-based enterprises management. The present research is based on case study analysis and narrative method of field inquiry in Saraburi Province to draw evidence from women group-based agriculture and nonfarm enterprises’ experience and insights on achievements and challenges they faced. One major issue emerges from the research—need for a holistic approach to comprehend how the process of product champion competitions has contrasted the meaning of grassroots women’s collectivism, network and flow and exhibits a heightened sense of accountability in developing possible policy strategies with a feminist institutional framework to transform the intangible benefits and scale up women’s entrepreneurial capabilities.
Description: PP:68-63
ISSN: 0975-8003
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics Vol. XXIV [2019-20]

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