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dc.contributor.authorMalik, Suratha Kumar-
dc.contributor.authorSarkar, Santi-
dc.description.abstractTraditional Indian society was founded on Varna and Jati, as is commonly known. This system has a long history and has experienced significant modifications throughout time, yet caste continues to be a prominent institution in our socio-economic, religious, and political structures after 75 years of India’s independence. The idea of untouchability has been the most perplexing and troubling aspect of the caste system. While Dalit movements in colonial India attempted to dismantle the upper castes’ elite history by concentrating on Dalit history, heritage, epistemology, and worldview; Dalit movements in the postcolonial time attempted to construct and recreate the pan-Indian Dalit identity through a variety of identity politics and social-political movements. With the above backdrop, the article tries to explore some of the contemporary Dalit movements in India and examines its deep relation to the Bhim Army, Rohith Vemula case and Koregaon Bhima incident which not only influenced the contemporary Dalit movements in India but also have contributed for arousing Dalit consciousness for a pan-Indian dalit identity, organisation and movement. The paper also vividly examines the issues and challenges in the path of Dalit movements in the 21st century under the impact of neoliberal globalisation.en_US
dc.publisherRegistrar, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 721102en_US
dc.subjectDalit movementen_US
dc.subjectBhim Armyen_US
dc.subjectKoregaon Bhima Incidenten_US
dc.titleDalit Movements in Contemporary India: Issues and Challengesen_US
Appears in Collections:Vidyasagar University Journal of History Vol 8 [2019-2020]

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