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Title: Possibility of Complex Phenomenal State in Consciousness: A Philosophical Debate
Authors: Malakar, Bharat
Keywords: agentive experience
building block
Phenomenal Consciousness
tripartite conception
Issue Date: Mar-2021
Publisher: Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , India
Series/Report no.: Philosophy and the Life-world;Vol 23[2020-2021];
Abstract: The nature of phenomenal conscious state is the core concept in consciousness studies. When we are talking about the nature, character and unity in consciousness, we are actually talking about the nature of phenomenal consciousness. Every phenomenal state is individuated in terms of their phenomenal character. In other words, it is characterized in terms of what it is like to instantiate them. There are two simultaneous opposite view of complex phenomenal state. Some philosophers like Hurley, Tye, etc provide a representational or intentionalist account of phenomenal state. On the other hand, Chalmers and Bayne provide a non-representationalist or non-intentional account of phenomenal state. The aim of this paper is to justifify of both accounts and also intend to provide a satisfactory account of the complex phenomenal state.
ISSN: 0975-8461
Appears in Collections:Philosophy and the Life-world Vol 23 [2020-2021]

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