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dc.descriptionHistorical Background and Factors of the First World War Modern World (1919-1945): Fourth Points of Woodrow Wilson Washington Conference (1921-22) The Problem of Disarmament Modern World (1919-1945): French Quest for Security Foreign policy of the Weimar Republic in Germany and the role of Gustave Stresemann Foreign Policy of Mussolini and his Abyssinian Adventure (1935) Soviet Russia between the Wars Foreign Policy of U.S.A. during the Inter- War Period with reference to New-Deal Civil War of Spain (1936-39) Industrial Revolution: Causes, outline and time-span Commercial and Demographic Revolution Industrial Revolution: Leading Sectors in the British Industrial Revolution Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution and the debate on the issue of the Standard of Living Role of Technology and Science in the Industrial Revolution Validity of the Concept of Industrial Revolution- Modern Connotations of the Term 'Industrial Revolution' and 'Economic Growth' Different Routes to Industrialization-Substitution Process-Industrialization in the Continent Origin of Technological Innovation-Experience of the Late -Comers (a) Growth of Market, b) Why did large-scale increase in demand led to the Technological Innovations? Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution (A)Proto-Industralisation and Transition to Industrial Capitalism, (B) Marxist Interpretation on the Crisis of the Industrial System in Europe in the 19th Centuryen_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengal , Indiaen_US
dc.titleHistory (PAPER V and PAPER VI) [e-SLM]en_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
Appears in Collections:History (e-SLM) [2nd Year]

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