Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics Vol. XVI [2011-12]
: [11]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Gender Imbalance and Women Empowerment: Some Policy Challenges in the Twelfth Plan | Bisai, Santanu; Mazumdar, Debashis |
2011 | Technical Efficiency in Indian Manufacturing Industry,1981-2001: An Explorative Analysis | Sengupta, Atanu; Sanyal, Sayan |
2011 | Assessing Causal relationship between Education and Economic Growth in India | Ray, Sarbapriya; Ray, Ishita Aditya; Pal, Mihir Kumar |
2011 | Use of Indigenous Health Care in Eastern and North-Eastern Regions of India | Sen, Raj Kumar; Goswami, Ramanuj |
2011 | Economics of Jamdani Handloom Product of Purulia in Nadia District of West Bengal | Das, Chittaranjan |
2011 | Impact of Environmental Regulation in a Small Open Economy | Basu (Chowdhury), Anindita; Gupta, Kausik |
2011 | Public Financing of Secondary Education in West Bengal | Jana, Sebak Kumar; Dasgupta, Souvik |
2011 | Trends of Rural Employment in India:Reflections from Recent NSS Data | Das, Pinaki |
2011 | Interstate Variation of the Growth Process of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Evidence from Structural Break Unit Root Test | Chakraborty, Chandrima; Ghose, Arpita |
2011 | Dynamics of Construction Sector in India: An Analysis | Palmal, Kousik |
2011 | Does Mid-Day Meal Scheme Reduce Incidence of Child Labour? | Ghose, Manas |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11