Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.17 [2013] : [20] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-12-26A Low-temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Tetragonal-ZrO2 Nanoparticles via Simple Hydrothermal ProcessAnandan, K; Rajendran, V
2013-12-26Variable Range Hopping Mechanism of Electrical Transport in Polyaniline-Succinic Acid NanocompositeGupta, K; Jana, P C; Meikap, A K
2013-12-26Inference for Lomax Distribution Based on Type-II Progressively Hybrid Censored DataMa, Yongming; Shi, Yimin
2013-12-26Stochastic Transportation Problem with Cauchy Random Variables and Multi Choice ParametersBiswal, M P; Samal, H K
2013-12-26Supramolecular Gels: Materials with Self-Assembled Micro and Nano Fibrillar NetworksMaity, Gopal Chandra
2013-12-26Some Features of Q–Compact Fuzzy SetsAli, A M; Talukder, M A M
2013-12-26Nonlocal Cauchy Problem for Sobolev Type Mixed Volterra-Fredholm Functional Integrodifferential EquationKumar, Kamalendra; Kumar, Rakesh
2013-12-26A Simple Method to Measure the Depletion Capacitance of a Schottky Junction DiodeDutta, S; Kamilya, T; Samanta, S K
2013-12-26A New Method for Ranking Exponential Fuzzy Numbers with use Weighted Average and Weighted Width in TRD DistanceRezvani, S; Molani, M; Ebrahimi, M
2013-12-26Semiprime Г-rings with Jordan DerivationsHalder, A K; Paul, A C
2013-12-26An Innovative Approach for Solving Maximal-Flow ProblemsKhan, Md. Al-Amin; Rashid, Abdur; Khan, Aminur Rahman; Uddin, Md Sharif
2013-12-26Hydrothermal Synthesis of EDTA–capped Brain-like SnO2 NanoparticlesGnanam, S; Rajendran, V
2013-12-26Synthesis of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Study of its Structural, Optical PropertiesSaha, S; Bhunia, A K
2013-12-26Chemically Reactive Solute Transfer over a Plate in Porous Medium in Presence of SuctionUddin, M S
2013-12-26Unsteady Hydro-Magnetic Flow of an Oldroyd Fluid through a Porous Channel with Oscillating WallsGhosh, Sushil Kumar
2003-11-12Probability and Fuzzy Logic in Analogical ReasoningVoskoglou, M. Gr
2013-12-26Fuzzy Approach to Interest Rate in Mathematics of Actuarial Science and FinanceShahjalal, M; Sultana, Abeda; Mitra, Nirmal Kanti; Khodadad Khan, A.F.M
2013-12-26Balanced Interval-Valued Fuzzy GraphsRashmanlou, Hossein; Pal, Madhumangal
2013-06-02Strong Common Coupled Fixed Point Result in Fuzzy Metric SpacesSedghi, Shaban; Choudhury, Binayak S.; Shobe, Nabi
2013-11-11A New Fuzzy Reliability Model to Avoid Resonance and its Numerical SolutionsZhang, Meng; Lu, Shan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20