Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.16 [2012] : [23] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012MHD Stagnation-Point Flow towards a Heated Stretching SheetUddin, M S; Wahiduzzman, M; Sazad, M A K; Pk, W. Ali
2012Tripled Coincidence Point Results In Partially Ordered Probabilistic Metric SpacesChoudhury, Binayak S; Das, Krishnapada; Bhandari, Samir Kumar; Das, Pradyut
2012Synthesis and Properties of Polyaniline Samarium NanocompositeGupta, K; Jana, P C; Meikap, A K
2012Transportation Time Minimization: An Algorithmic ApproachSharif Uddin, M
2012Reliability Estimations of Components in Series System Using Type-II Censored and Masked Life DataShi, Xiao-lin
2012Preparation of Zinc Sulphide thin Film by Spin Coating and their CharacterizationMukherjee, A; Mitra, P
2012Determination of Temperature profile of Continuous Wave Ultraviolet Laser Induced LiNbO3 WaveguideGhosh, T; Samanta, B; Jana, P C; Ganguly, P
2012Solving Unbalanced Transportation Problems with Budgetary ConstraintsAnuradha, D; Pandian, P; Natarajan, G
2012Bipolar Anti Fuzzy HX Group and its Lower Level Sub HX GroupsMuthuraj, R; Sridharan, M
2012Anti-Hausdorff SpacesMajumdar, Subrata; Mitra, Mallika
2012Disjunctive Nearlattices and Semi-Boolean AlgebrasAkhter, Shiuly
2012 -Ideals in a Distributive NearlatticeNoor, A S A; Ali, M. Ayub; Islam, A.K. M. S
2012European Option Pricing in Fractional Jump Diffusion MarketsYan, Dong
2012Growth, Optical, Thermal, Mechanical and Etching Studies on NLO Active Pure and L-Alanine Doped Single Crystals of Bis-Thiourea Cadmium ChlorideVimala, J. Felicita; Prakash, J. Thomas Joseph
2012Performance Investigation on Advanced Adsorption CycleKhan, M. Z. I; Sultana, S; Ali, M. S
2012Flocculation Performance of Grafted Xanthangum: A Comparative StudyKolya, Haradhan; Tripathy, Tridib; De, B R
2012Electrical and Chemical Characteristics of Ta2O5 Gate Dielectrics on Ge-rich SiGe HeterolayersDas, R; Saha, S
2012Growth of PbS Nano Particles and its Effect on ProteinSaha, Satyajit
2012Invariants and Flatness Criteria on an Almost Lagrangian SupermanifoldsAli, Md. Showkat; Sarkar, Md. Abu Hanif
2012n-Distributive LatticeAli, M. Ayub; Podder, Sompa Rani; Noor, A .S. A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23