Sociology (D.C) : [112] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 112
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-11-02Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 02.11.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-08-30Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 30.08.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-07-27Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 27.07.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-05-11Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 11.05.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-04-19Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 19.04.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-03-08Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 08.03.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-02-27Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 27.02.2016Vidyasagar University
2016-02-02Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 02.02.2016Vidyasagar University
2015-12-22Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 22.12.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-11-04Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 04.11.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-09-15Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 15.09.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-08-25Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 25.08.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-07-14Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 14.07.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-06-25Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 25.06.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-05-05Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 05.05.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-03-31Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 31.03.2015Vidyasagar University
2015-02-11Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 11.02.2015Vidyasagar University
2014-12-18Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 18.12.2014Vidyasagar University
2014-10-11Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 11.10.2014Vidyasagar University
2014-09-24Resolutions of the Departmental Committee Meeting (Sociology) held on 24.09.2014Vidyasagar University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 112