Indian Journal of Geography and Environment Vol.13 [2014] : [19] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-09-22Recent Local Sea Level Changes and its Impact on Geo- Environment of Purba Medinipur Coast, WB-A Geographical AnalysisSahoo, Pranab; Patra, Subhankar; Shukla, Jitendra
2014-11-20Development of Banks (ATM) and Communication Facilities along Selected National Highways in Haryana: A Geographical AnalysisSingh, Karam; Kaushik, S P
2014-11-12Morphology and Development of selected Badlands in South Bengal (India)Shit, Pravat Kumar; Bhunia, Gouri Sankar; Maiti, Ramkrishna
2014Human Health in the context of Geographical LocationRoy, Utpal
2014-10-12Morphodynamics of Barrier Spits and Tidal Inlets of Subarnarekha Delta: a study at Talsari-Subarnapur spit, Odisha, IndiaJana, Subrata; Paul, Ashis Kr; Islam, Sk Majharul
2014-09-20Seasonal Hydrological Characteristics of Langolhata Wetland of Birbhum District and its impact on AgriculturalDas, Niladri
2014-10-14Planform Pattern of the Lower Teesta River After the Gazaldoba BarrageGhosh, Kausik
2014-09-26Identification of Numerical Dominance of Social Group Using Ternary DiagramMondal, Indranil
2014-10-14The Importance of Non-Timber Forest Products in Tribal Livelihood: A Case Study of Santal Community in Purulia District, West BengalDolui, Gour; Chatterjee, Soumendu; Chatterjee, Nilanjana Das
2014-09-22Estimation of Land Surface Temperature of Chilika Lagoon Watershed and its Dependence on Terrain PropertiesIslam, Sk Majharul; Kamila, Amrit; Jana, Subrata; Paul, Ashis Kr.
2014-08-20Analysis of Community Based Tourism in Latpanchar, Darjeeling (India)Paul, Suman
2014-10-12Estimation of Soil Loss by USLE Model in Upper Part of Dwarakeswar River Using GeoinformaticsBera, Kartic; Bandyopadhyay, Jatisankar
2014-09-28Status of Soil in Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal– A ReviewSahu, Ananya
2014-10-12Progress of Urban Literacy in India : Focus on MetropolisesKumar, Jitendra
2014-10-14Induced Commercial Growth and Deterioration of Little Andaman Island Environment – An Appraisal on Forest PoliciesRoy, Saswati
2014-10-10Modelling of Photosynthesis Vegetation Cover Fraction on Upscaling Approaches by using Landsat-8, AWiFs and MODIS DataKundu, Ramprasad; Chakrabary, Abhisek
2014-09-10Physical Sensitivity and Social Exposure of Flood Hazard Risks in Subarnarekha Delta Plain, Odisha, IndiaBarman, Nilay Kanti; Paul, Ashis Kumar; Khan, Ansar
2014-10-14A Voluminous River of Yesterday- A Degraded Canal of Today: Physical and Human AspectsPaul, Pritam
2014-10-17Spatial Distribution of Dissection Index (Erosion Intensity) versus Geomorphological Environment in Parkha Watershed, Central HimalayaDeolia, Rekha; Pande, Anita
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19