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dc.contributor.authorSantra, Tanaya-
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, Neepa-
dc.contributor.authorChatterjee, Surjani-
dc.contributor.authorMukherjee, Shankarashis-
dc.descriptionWomen at Worken_US
dc.description.abstractAssessment of pulmonary function, a non invasive test, used to detect air flow limitation and/or lung volume restriction, remains an important parameter in pre employment and periodic medical examinations in many occupations. For various constrain, it has been made a statutory compulsion in only few industrial activities in India. But it is no less important in other avocations, even that of sedentary nature, particularly in view of the fact that many human resources of sedentary occupations are nowadays required to spend a major part of their daily working time in poorly ventilated very small, partitioned cubicles. The situation aggravates further when the partitioning is done with chemically treated insect resistant ply boards. In this backdrop a study was conducted on young sedentary females to assess the status of pulmonary function and to find out and/or validate relationship, if any, existing between pulmonary function as manifest in lung function tests in terms of FVC, FEV1 and anthropometric variables particularly leg height, trunk height, shoulder height, and arm span. Body height (cm) and body weight (kg) along with the anthropometric parameters leg height, trunk height, shoulder height, arm span were measured. Pulmonary function test procedures were carried out on 39 females volunteers (age range 24-30 year) using Jaeger Flowscreen Pro in morning hours, following the recommendation of American Thorasic Society (ATS). Arm span and body height were found to have significant (P<0.05) positive correlation with FVC and FEV1. Shoulder height and trunk height were also significantly (P<0.05) correlated with FVC and FEV1.en_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Human Physiology with Community Health , Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West Bengalen_US
dc.subjectIndoor air pollutionen_US
dc.subjectValidation studyen_US
dc.subjectPre employment medical examinationen_US
dc.subjectPeriodic medical examinationen_US
dc.titlePulmonary Function in Young Bengalee Females of Sedentary Occupations: Influence of Select Anthropometric Variables on Iten_US
Appears in Collections:Ergonomics for Rural Development

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