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Title: Structural and Electrical Properties of La doped BiBa(Fe0.6Ti0.4)O3 Composite Ceramic
Authors: Kar, B.S.
Goswami, M N
Jana, P. C.
Keywords: Dielectric constant, phase transition.
Issue Date: 24-Dec-2016
Publisher: Vidyasagar University
Series/Report no.: Journal of Physical Sciences;JPS-v21-art17
Abstract: The sample La doped BiBa(Fe0.6Ti0.4)O3 a new member of the ferroelectric family, was synthesized by a mixed-oxide technique at a low temperature of 8500C. Preliminary structural study of the compound at room temperature was done using XRD. Electrical properties of the sample were measured in a wide frequency (102-106Hz) and temperature range (room temperature-500 0C). Temperature dependence of dielectric properties (i.e., dielectric constant ε_r and loss tanδ) of the materials has been analyzed at selected frequencies which indicate that compounds have transition temperature well above the room temperature. The temperature dependence of ac electrical conductivity (σac) was also studied.
ISSN: 2350-0352
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.21 [2016]

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