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dc.contributor.authorMousavi, Majid-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we have also presented the CV index to improve Lee and Li’s [11] method. Lee and Li rank fuzzy numbers based on two different criteria, namely, the fuzzy mean and the fuzzy spread of the fuzzy numbers, and they pointed out that human intuition would favor a fuzzy number with the following characteristics: When higher mean value and at the same time higher spread/or lower mean value and at the same time lower spread is present it is not easy to compare its orderings clearly. Therefore, we can efficiently use CV index to rank its ordering, and the CV criterion is ranked higher with smaller CV value. Many ranking methods have been proposed so far. However, there is yet no method that can always give a satisfactory solution to every situation; some are counterintuitive, not discriminating; some use only the local information of fuzzy values; some produce different rankings for the same situation. For overcoming the above problems, we propose a new method for ranking fuzzy numbers by distance method. Our method is based on calculating the centroid point, where the distance means from original point to the centroid point , and the index is the same as Murakami et al.’s [1] . However, the index is integrated from the inverse functions of an LR-type fuzzy number. Thus, we use ranking function (distance index) as the order quantities in a vague environment. Our method can rank more than two fuzzy numbers simultaneously, and the fuzzy numbers need not be normal.en_US
dc.publisherVidyasagar Universityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Physical Sciences;JPS-v21-art8-
dc.subjectCentroid point, Distance index, Normal (non-normal) fuzzy numbers, Ranking fuzzy numbersen_US
dc.titleThe Index of Coefficient of Variation for Ranking Fuzzy Numbersen_US
Appears in Collections:Journal of Physical Sciences Vol.21 [2016]

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